Archaeological Collection – Middle Ages

Foreign fashions

Foreign fashions
Item name:Foreign fashions
Dating:5th–6th c.
Findspot:Various sites
On display:Medieval Stories from the Crossroads


The fashion trends adopted by the Romans are also discernible in the widely distributed artefacts such as bronze vessels, brooches, for example those in the shape of a mounted horseman or a cicada, but also in the very popular shield-on-tongue belt buckles. The Romans also wore bracelets with small stamped decoration similar to the impressions on Germanic pottery, and made simple replicas of the Germanic brooches decorated with incised ring-and-dots. Furthermore, long single-sided combs became common alongside the typical Roman double-sided combs.


1. Dish, bronze, diam. 37.7 cm, Vipota above Pečovnik, Inv. No. S 2552.

2. Brooch, bronze, l. 6.88 cm, 6th c., Pristava in Bled, Grave 321, Inv. No. S 3501.

3. Bracelet, bronze, diam. 7.38 cm, Pristava in Bled, Grave 227, Inv. No. S 481.

4. Bracelet, bronze, diam. 5.95 cm, Pristava in Bled, Grave 206, Inv. No. S 442.

5. Comb, horn, l. 20.5 cm, 6th c., Zidani gaber above Mihovo, Inv. No. R 2629.

6. Brooch, bronze, l. 6.65 cm, 6th c., Gora above Polhov Gradec, Inv. No. R 1816.

7. Brooch, bronze, l. 6.1 cm, 6th c., Limberk above Velika Račna, Inv. No. S 3261.

8. Belt buckles, gilded silver, silver and bronze, w. of the largest 3.7 cm, Zidani gaber above Mihovo, Inv. Nos. R 2631–R 2633.

9. Brooch in the shape of a mounted horseman, silver, l. 3.45 cm, 6th c., Korinjski hrib above Veliki Korinj, Inv. No. S 3003.

10. Brooch in the shape of a mounted horseman, bronze, l. 3.9 cm, 5th–6th c., Sv. Lambert near Pristava nad Stično, Inv. No. S 2530.

11. Brooch in the shape of a cicada, bronze, l. 2.94 cm, 5th–6th c., Gradec near Prapretno, Inv. No. S 2677.

Further reading

Knific, Timotej in Nabergoj, Tomaž, 2016: Medieval Stories from the Crossroads, Ljubljana, Fig. 14, pp. 21, 219.

On display in the Permanent Exhibition