Archaeological Collection – Middle Ages

Belt buckles

Belt buckles
Item name:Belt buckles
Dating:6th c.
Findspot:Lajh in Kranj
On display:Medieval Stories from the Crossroads


The itemsof Ostrogothic female dress from Kranj include two outstanding large belt buckles. They are both gilded and decorated with garnets, which was fashionabledecoration at the time. Analyses have shown that the garnets decoratingdifferent objects recovered from Slovenian sites came from either India or Sri Lanka.


Belt buckles, gilded bronze and garnets, late 5th–early 6th c., l. 12.7 and 13.4 cm, 6th c., Lajh in Kranj, Inv. Nos. S 1771 and S 1770.

Further reading

Knific, Timotej in Nabergoj, Tomaž, 2016:Medieval Stories from the Crossroads, Ljubljana, Fig. 59, pp. 48–57, 221.

On display in the Permanent Exhibition