Archaeological Collection – Middle Ages

Jewellery and parts of garnets

Jewellery and parts of garnets
Item name:Jewellery and parts of garnets
Dating:6th c.
Findspot:Lajh in Kranj
On display:Medival Stories from the Crossroads


The gold jewellery worn by the inhabitants of Carnium includes several finger rings (13) and pins (10); also common are the finds of gold thread (1), which represent the remains of veils used by wealthy women to cover their head and shoulders (Fig. 50). The fabrics with gold thread woven in (ars barbaricaria) were probably produced in Byzantine workshops for barbarian customers. The decoration of garnets set into the head of a gold pin is also adapted to barbarian taste (10).

Many products were made of silver. Shield-on-tongue belt buckles were very fashionable in the second half of the 6th century; examples with oval frames have been found at Kranj, but also those with variously shaped buckle plates (7-9). Such buckles were very popular across the Mediterranean. The silver links (12) were part of a long band that would have hung from the belt of a Germanic woman together with some personal items. The gilded strap end (6) was attached to the end of a leather strap binding the woman’s footwear.


1.     Thread, gold, weight 6.64 g, ‘gold grave from 1898’, Inv. No. S 1768.

2.     Belt buckle, silver, l. 7.53 cm, Inv. No. S 7628.

3.     Belt buckle, silver, l. 6.63 cm, Grave 6, Inv. No. S 706.

4.     Belt buckle, silver, l. 5.67 cm, Grave 279, Inv. No. S 1444.

5.     Belt buckle, silver, l. 5.14 cm, Inv. No. S 7631.

6.     Strap end, gilded silver, l. 4 cm, Grave 5, Inv. No. S 669.

7.     Belt buckle, silver, l. 2.57 cm, Grave 91, Inv. No. S 937.

8.     Belt buckle, silver, l. 3 cm, Grave 317, Inv. No. S 1534.

9.     Belt buckle, silver, l. 1.97 cm, Grave 67, Inv. No. S 873.

10.  Decorative pin, gold and garnet, l. 8.8 cm, ‘gold grave from 1898’, Inv. No. S 1764.

11.  Decorative pin, silver, l. 4.85 cm, Grave 327, Inv. No. S 1568.

12.  Mounts, silver, l. up to 2.6 cm, Grave 11/3, Inv. No. S 728.

13.  Finger ring, gold, h. 2.21 cm, Inv. No. S 1766.

14.  Earring, gold, diam. 1.99 cm, Inv. No. S 1767.

Further reading

Knific, Timotej in Nabergoj, Tomaž, 2016: Medieval Stories from the Crossroads, Ljubljana, Fig. 58, pp. 48-57.

On display in the Permanent Exhibition