Archaeological Collection – Middle Ages


Item name:Pans
Dating:Late 8th–early 10th c.
Findspot:Sv. Lambert near Pristava nad Stično, Zidani gaber above Mihovo
On display:Medieval Stories from the Crossroads


Iron pans with a long handle have been found at seven hilltop settlements in Slovenia. They were all made in the same manner as the two shown here, from Zidani gaber above Mihovo (left) and Sv. Lambert near Pristava nad Stično. They measure up to 25.5 in diameter and, together with the handle, up to 68 cm in length. They were suitable for cooking over an open fire and were probably used, given their standard form and their findspots, by soldiers. Such pans date from the late 8th to the early 10th century.


Pan, iron, l. 63 cm, late 8th–early 10th c., Sv. Lambert near Pristava nad Stično, Inv. No. S 3344.

Pan, iron, l. 61.5 cm, late 8th–early 10th c., Zidani gaber above Mihovo, Inv. No. S 5162 and S 5164.

Further reading

Knific, Timotej in Nabergoj, Tomaž, 2016: Medieval Stories from the Crossroads, Ljubljana, Fig. 87, pp. 66-75.