Archaeological Collection – Middle Ages

Avar elements

Avar elements
Item name:Avar elements
Dating:Second half of the 8th c.
Findspot:Slovenia, various sites
On display:Medieval Stories from the Crossroads


Very few objects from sites in Slovenia may be connected with the Avars. These mainly comprise metal parts of belts dating to the second half of the 8th century. Most have been recovered at hilltop sites together with early medieval military items, suggesting that these dominant locations (such as Gradišče above Bašelj, Ljubična above Zbelovska Gora, Sv. Lambert near Pristava nad Stično) were again inhabited for military purposes in the late 8th and early 9th centuries.

Belt pieces of Avar origin from the second half of the 8th century (from left to right): large strap ends from Dunaj near Jereka and Gradišče above Bašelj, and mounts from Gradišče near Dunaj and Sv. Lambert near Pristava nad Stično.


Strap end, bronze, l. 7.95 cm, Dunaj near Jereka, Inv. No. S 2029.

Strap end, white bronze, l. 8.03 cm, Gradišče above Bašelj, Inv. No. S 3136 and S 4061.

Strap mount, bronze, l. 1.74 cm, Gradišče near Dunaj, Inv. No. S 3106.

Belt mount, bronze with remains of gilding, l. 2.92 cm, Sv. Lambert near Pristava nad Stično, Inv. No. S 2494.


Further reading

Knific, Timotej in Nabergoj, Tomaž, 2016: Medieval Stories from the Crossroads, Ljubljana, Fig. 88, pp. 66-75.

On display in the Permanent Exhibition