The Collection of Paintings at the National Museum of Slovenia is the publication of a fund. The published material is intended as a source for further research since it primarily provides information that is fragmented in various archives and individual sections, but perhaps most importantly, presents paintings that have been hidden away in depots for decades.
A significant part of the collection – this covers the period from the 16th to the mid-20th century – encompasses portraits of men and women important for the Slovenian arena, the representatives of individual noble and burgher families, as well as portraits of other people who lived on local soil in the past. The paintings are of varying quality, from significant, superior-quality European works (e.g. St Anne and the Holy Kinship by the Master of Okolično), the highlights of Slovenian art (works by Franz Ignaz Flurer, Matej Langus, Anton Karinger and the Impressionists) to various pieces produced by amateurs. There are 1028 paintings published.
The collection is also published in The Collection of Paintings at the National Museum of Slovenia monograph by Jasna Horvat and Mateja Kos (Ljubljana 2011), which was published in the Sources – Publications about the Slovene Material Culture series (Viri. Gradivo za materialno kulturo Slovencev).
Interesting fact: 20 selected paintings from the collection of the National Museum of Slovenia are featured in the
Google Cultural Institute web gallery at a very high resolution (gigapixel).