Trail of GoldThe 200th Anniversary of the First Museum in Slovenia
21. 6. 2021 to 28. 8. 2022

Trail of Gold

The 200th Anniversary of the First Museum in Slovenia

21 June 2021 – 2 May 2022, Muzejska

Gold is an element, present in all the collections of the National Museum of Slovenia. That is why we chose this precious metal as the topic of the central exhibition on the occasion of the 200th anniversary of the museum.

Gold is one of the most valuable materials, used in the past to make the most important and precious objects that embodied the power, reputation and high social standing of the owner and reflected his or her wealth. However, these are not the only characteristics of this unique element. Gold has a symbolic meaning, expressing certain values in the metaphorical sense. Materialised by objects and stories, these values are part of the exhibition.

Objects made of gold (or decorated with gold), which emphasises their value, can be directly or indirectly linked to major milestones, events and personalities from Slovenian history. On the symbolic level, they can be used as the common (“golden”) thread, signifying the long tradition of the area, which, with its language and culture, later became the territory of the Slovenian nation.

The central exhibition in the National Museum of Slovenia presents four important segments that are represented by gold on the material and the symbolic level: Power and Authority, Church and SacralityHonour and Glory, and Wealth and Luxury. Each of the segments tells a part of the story, completed by the introductory and the final part. In the beginning, the visitors will learn about this very special element and its properties, and in the final part they will learn about the numerous connotations of gold at the symbolic level.

The exhibition features objects from the collections of the National Museum of Slovenia, as well as objects from the collections of Slovenian museums, which gladly accepted the invitation to participate in the exhibition. The 200th anniversary is not only a golden anniversary of the National Museum of Slovenia as the successor of the Provincial Museum of Carniola, but a celebration of all the Slovenian museums that preserve the heritage of the Slovenian nation and the Slovenians.


Andreja Breznik, Blaženka First, Darko Knez, Mateja Kos, Darija Mavrič Čeh, Alenka Miškec, Tomaž Nabergoj, Igor Ravbar, Tinka H. Selič, Uršula Vimer Kovaček

Project managers

Mateja Kos, Alenka Miškec

Participating Museums

  • Belokranjski muzej Metlika
  • Dolenjski muzej Novo mesto
  • Gorenjski muzej 
  • Goriški muzej
  • Gornjesavski muzej Jesenice
  • Loški muzej Škofja Loka
  • Mednarodni grafični likovni center
  • Medobčinski muzej Kamnik
  • Mestni muzej Idrija 
  • Moderna galerija, Ljubljana
  • Muzej in galerije mesta Ljubljane
  • Muzej krščanstva na Slovenskem
  • Muzej novejše zgodovine Celje
  • Muzej športa
  • Muzej za arhitekturo in oblikovanje
  • Muzeji radovljiške občine
  • Narodna galerija
  • Notranjski muzej Postojna
  • Pokrajinski muzej Celje
  • Pokrajinski muzej Kočevje
  • Pokrajinski muzej Koper
  • Pokrajinski muzej Ptuj Ormož
  • Pomorski muzej Sergej Mašera
  • Pomurski muzej Murska Sobota
  • Posavski muzej Brežice
  • Prirodoslovni muzej Slovenije
  • Slovenski etnografski muzej
  • Slovenski gledališki inštitut
  • Slovenski šolski muzej
  • Tehniški muzej Slovenije
  • Tolminski muzej
  • Vojaški muzej Slovenske vojske
The admission to the exhibition Trail of Gold is charged half the entrance fee on the first Sunday in the month. See the admission ...

The events commemorating the 200th anniversary of the first museum in Slovenia are being held under the honorary patronage of His Excellency Mr. Borut Pahor, President of the Republic of Slovenia.


Zavarovalnica Triglav, d.d.

Media sponsor