Roma AeternaMasterpieces of Roman Sculpture from the Dino and Ernesta Santarelli Foundation
4. 7. 2019 to 3. 11. 2019

Roma Aeterna

Masterpieces of Roman Sculpture from the Dino and Ernesta Santarelli Foundation

Bacchus, I century AD, with additions of the XVII cent. Fine-grained white marble, h. 170 cm
The collection of the Santarelli family resurrects a millenary Roman tradition that spread in the Eternal City during the Renaissance and can be traced back to a custom that was well established among the Roman aristocracy during the Imperial Age as a need for decorum and social ostentation, which included the display of statues in private residences, mostly consisting of copies of Greek originals.

The allegorical and moral re-evaluation of ancient thought, subordinated to reabsorbing the entire classical universe in order to reconcile it with religious faith, ended around the middle of the fourteenth century with Francesco Petrarca, determining the end of the Middle Ages and, by the same token, inaugurating an attitude that – precisely in ancient Rome – found a new vigour to forge a new age that later historians identified as “the Renaissance”.

In the exhibition, the visitor is given the opportunity to admire masterpieces spanning from the 1st century B.C. to the 18th century A.D., all representative of the artistic and stylistic developments that occurred in Rome according to chronological order. These works have been selected to show the persistence of ancient heritage, as the title itself suggests: ROMA AETERNA – everlasting Rome.



Guided tours
  • Wednesday, 21 August 2019, at 4.30 pm: Muzejska premiera. Vodi dr. Ferdinand Šerbelj
  • Thursday, 5 September 2019, at 5 pm
  • Sunday, 15 September 2019, at 11 am
  • Thursday, 19 September 2019, at 5 pm
  • Sunday, 29 September 2019, at 11 am
  • Thursday, 3 October 2019, at 5 pm
  • Sunday, 13 October 2019, at 11 am
  • Thursday, 17  October 2019, at 5 pm
  • Sunday, 27 October 2019, at 11 am
Admission fee according to the price list. No surcharge payable for a guided tour.
Guided tours are conducted in the Slovenian language.


Mojstrovine rimskega kiparstva iz Fundacije Dina in Erneste Santarelli
Capolavori della scultura romana dalla Fondazione Dino ed Ernesta Santarelli
Masterworks of Roman Sculpture from the Dino and Ernesta Santarelli Foundation

2019, 131 pp., 24 x 29cm, ISBN 978-961-6981-36-1. Price: 15 €.

Editors: Francesca Licordari, Stefano Petrocchi, Daniela Ricci.
The text is in Slovenian, Italian and English languague.