The Song of MetalMillennia of Metallurgy in Slovenia
10. 12. 2019 to 30. 8. 2020

The Song of Metal

Millennia of Metallurgy in Slovenia

10 December 2019–3 May 2020, Muzejska

The exhibition is extended until 30 August 2020.

The production and processing of metals on Slovenian soil has a very wide-ranging history. The roots of this rich tradition date back five millennia into the past, all the way back to the time of the pile-dwellers at the Ljubljana Marshes. Metallurgical activities eventually grew into one of the most important as well as most prosperous industries in Slovenia. This is, after all, still true today, as evidenced by their share in the national budget, internationally recognizable products of local industry, ground-breaking technical innovations and research achievements.

In order to draw attention to the often-overlooked role of metallurgy in the public, colleagues at the National Museum of Slovenia and the Department of Materials and Metallurgy of the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering in Ljubljana joined forces on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the University of Ljubljana. The aim of the exhibition project The Song of Metal is to draw attention to the rich technical heritage, which is unfortunately not known well enough, and which has been systematically collected by the National Museum of Slovenia over almost two centuries of the institution’s existence. At the same time, cutting-edge knowledge gathered under the auspices of the University of Ljubljana, where metallurgy has established itself as one of the oldest courses of study, is also presented. The colourful exhibition layout is upgraded with the sample products by leading Slovenian companies that compete on the fiercely competitive international market with great success – for example, in the automotive industry and even space technologies.

Author of the banner photo: Jaka Ivanc



The lectures are free of charge. They are conducted in the Slovenian language.

Guided tours

  • Sunday, 9 February 2020, at 11 am, guide: Aleksander Učakar
  • Sunday, 16 February 2020, at 11 am, guide: Matic Predalič
  • Sunday, 15 March 2020, at 11 am, guide: Matic Predalič  – CANCELLED
  • Sunday, 29 March 2020, at 11 am, guide: Blaž Žerjav – CANCELLED
  • Sunday, 19 Apria 2020, at 11 am, guide: Blaž Žerjav – CANCELLED

Admission fee according to the price list. No surcharge payable for a guided tour. 
The guided tours are conducted in the Slovenian language.


Photographs: Blaž Gutman, Nejc Pavlič, Tomaž Lauko, Tomaž Lazar.

Scientific Monograph

KO ZAPOJE KOVINA. Tisočletja metalurgije na Slovenskem
THE SONG OF METAL. Millenia of Metallurgy in Slovenia

Editors-in-Chief and Managing Editors: Jernej Kotar, Tomaž Lazar, Peter Fajfar

2019, 379 pp., 196 figures, 39 tables, 24,5 x 30,5 cm, hardcover, ISBN 978-961-6981-42-2.
Bilingual (Slovenian-English) edition.

Price: €45.

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