- ISTENIČ, J. (with a contribution by Andrej Šemrov: the coin catalogue), Mali Njivč
nad Novaki / Mali Njivč above Novaki. In: Istenič, J., Laharnar, B.,
J. (ur.). Evidence of the Roman army in Slovenia / Sledovi rimske vojske
na Slovenskem (Katalogi in monografije, 41). Ljubljana: Narodni muzej
Slovenije, 2015, 365-384. PDF
- ISTENIČ, J. (with a contribution by Alenka Miškec: the coin catalogue), Traces of Octavian's military activities at Gradišče in Cerkno and Vrh gradu near Pečine / Sledovi Oktavijanovega vojaškega delovanja na Gradišču v Cerknem in Vrh gradu pri Pečinah. In: Istenič, J., Laharnar, B., Horvat, J. (eds.). Evidence of the Roman army in Slovenia / Sledovi rimske vojske na Slovenskem (Katalogi in monografije, 41). Ljubljana: Narodni muzej Slovenije, 2015, 43–73. PDF; To purchase the book write to blagajna@nms.si
- ISTENIČ, J. (with a contribution by Andrej Šemrov: the coin catalogue), Mali Njivč above Novaki / Mali Njivč nad Novaki. In: Istenič, J., Laharnar, B., Horvat, J. (eds.). Evidence of the Roman army in Slovenia / Sledovi rimske vojske na Slovenskem (Katalogi in monografije, 41). Ljubljana: Narodni muzej Slovenije, 2015, 365–384. PDF; To purchase the book write to blagajna@nms.si
- ISTENIČ, J., Ž. ŠMIT, Celts and Romans: a contribution to research into cultural interactions. In: Pernicka, E., Schwab R. (eds.). Under the volcano. Proceedings of the International Symposium on the Metallurgy of the European Iron Age (SMEIA) held in Mannheim, Germany, 20–22 April 2010, Forschungen zur Archäometrie und Altertumswissenschaft Band 5, Rahden/Westfalen 2014, 205–220. PDF
- ISTENIČ, J., Column grave monument from Emona. Arheološki vestnik 64, 2013, 149–175. PDF
- ISTENIČ, J., Early roman graves with weapons in Slovenia: an overview. In: Sanader, M. (ed.). Rimska vojna oprema u pogrebnom kontekstu: radovi XVII. ROMEC-a / Weapons and military equipment in a funerary context: proceedings of the XVIIth Roman Military Equipment Conference / Militaria als Grabbeilage: Akten der 17. Roman Military Equipment Conference (Dissertationes et monographie 7), Zagreb 2013, 23–35. PDF
- ŠMIT, Ž., TARTARI, F., STAMATI, F., VEVECKA-PRIFTA, A., ISTENIČ, J., Analysis of Roman glass from Albania by PIXE/PIGE method. Nucl. instrum. methods phys. res., B Beam interact. mater. atoms [print ed.], vol. 296, no. 1, 2013, 7–13. PDF
- ISTENIČ, J., Daggers of the Dangstetten type, Arheološki vestnik 63, 2012, 159–178. PDF
- ŠMIT, Ž., KNIFIC, T., JEZERŠEK, D., ISTENIČ, J., Analysis of early medieval glass beads – glass in the transition period. Nucl. instrum. methods phys. res., B Beam interact. mater. atoms [print ed.], vol. 278, no. 1, 2012, str. 8–14. PDF
- ISTENIČ, J., Celtic or Roman? Late La Tène-Style Scabbards with Copper-Alloy or Silver Openwork Plates. In: VAGALINSKI, L. F., N. SHARANKOV (ur.), Limes XXII: proceedings of
the 22nd International Congress of Roman Frontier Studies, Ruse,
Bulgaria, September 2012. Sofia: National Archaeological Institute with
Museum, 2015. Str. 755-762. PDF
- ISTENIČ, J., ŠMIT, Ž., A raw glass chunk from the vicinity of Nauportus (Vrhnika). In: LAZAR, I., Županek, B. (eds.). Emona: med Akvilejo in Panonijo / Emona: between Aquileia and Pannonia, Annales Mediterranei, Koper, 2012, 301–309. PDF
- ISTENIČ, J., KOSEC, L., PEROVŠEK, S., GOSAR, M., in NAGODE, A.: Research on a laddered chape from a Late La Tene scabbard with an openwork fitment from the River Ljubljanica. Arheološki vestnik 62, 2011, 317–337. PDF
- ISTENIČ, J., Meč iz Ljubljanice – izziv in povod za raziskovanje, Delo, Priloga Znanost, 27. 11. 2011. JPG