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Assoc. Prof. Dr. Janka Istenič

Curator in Roman antiquities

Address: National Museum of Slovenia, Prešernova 20, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia

Academic Career

Ph.D. in Roman Provincial Archaeology at University of Ljubljana, 1993.
Subject of the thesis: Western Cemeteries of Poetovio (two published monographs, cf. Bibliography)

B.Sc. in Archaeology at University of Ljubljana, 1985.
Subject of the thesis: Roman cemetery Rodik – Pod Jezerom (paper published in Arheološki vestnik 38, 1987, 69–136; PDF)

Longer education abroad
1987/88 Ludwig-Maximillians-Universität München, Institut für Vor- und Frühgeschichte und Provinzialrömische Archäologie (Prof. Dr. Günter Ulbert).


  • 1991 to present: Curator, National Museum of Slovenia;
  • 1985 to 1990: Early stage researcher, University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Arts, Department of Archaeology.
  • Corresponding member of the German Archaeological Institute,
  • 2015 to 2022: spokesperson for Archaeology in the Scientific Research Council for the Humanities of the Slovenian Research Agency.

Research Interests

Roman archaeology, especially in the territory of Slovenia and in the neighbouring countries.

Since 1999

  • Roman military equipment and sites
  • Archaeometry (non-ferrous metalss – especially brass; glass)
1985 - 1999
  • Roman pottery (especially local productions of Poetovio and Emona) and other small finds; Roman cemeteries.

Current research

Long term research grant: Archaeological Heritage Research (2022-2027).


  • Roman military equipment,
  • Archaeometry (non-ferrous metals),
  • Roman Cult sites in rock shelters.


  • Roman Stories from the Crossroads, 2014 (permanent exhibition; since 2022 integral part of the permanent exhibition Stories from the Past)
  • Istenič, J. et al., A River and its Past, Armémuseum, Stockholm, Sweden, 25. 5. 2011–8.1. 2012
  • Istenič, J. et al., The Ljubljanica – a River and its Past. National Museum of Slovenia, Ljubljana 15. 2.–31. 10. 2009
  • Istenič, J., Nestorović, A., Images of the World engraved in Jewels. Roman gems in Slovenia. National Museum of Slovenia, Ljubljana, 13. 12. 2005–26. 3. 2006; Pokrajinski muzej Celje, 13. 4.–18. 6. 2006; Pokrajinski muzej Ptuj, 23. 6.–27. 8. 2006
  • Istenič, J. et al., Treasures from the archaeological collections. National Museum of Slovenia, Ljubljana, permanent exhibition 2004–2014

Editorial work


  • Istenič, J., Ragolič, A., Roman Military decoration torques: literary, epigraphic representational and archaeological evidence / Rimsko vojaško odlikovanje torkves: literarni, epigrafski in arheološki viri ter upodobitve. (Katalogi in monografije, 46). Ljubljana: Narodni muzej Slovenije, 2023.
  • Istenič, J., Laharnar, B., Horvat, J. (eds.), Evidence of the Roman Army in Slovenia / Sledovi rimske vojske na Slovenskem (Katalogi in monografije, 41). Ljubljana: Narodni muzej Slovenije, 2015 (PDF).
  • Naravoslovne raziskave premične arheološke dediščine v Sloveniji 1998–2008 / Natural Science Studies of the Movable Archaeological Heritage in Slovenia 1998–2008, Narodni muzej Slovenije / National Museum of Slovenia, 17.–18. 2. 2009. Argo 53/1, 60–117.
  • The Ljubljanica – A River and its Past. Ljubljana: Narodni muzej Slovenije, 2009 (PDF).
  • Ljubljanica – kulturna dediščina reke. Ljubljana: Narodni muzej Slovenije, 2009.
  • Nestorović, A., Images of the World engraved in Jewels. Roman Gems from Slovenia. Ljubljana: Narodni muzej Slovenije, 2005.
  • Nestorović, A., V dragulje vbrušene podobe sveta. Rimske geme v Sloveniji. Ljubljana: Narodni muzej Slovenije, 2005.

Editorial committees

Organisation of scientific meetings

  • 5th international conference Archaeometallurgy in Europe, Miskolc (Hungary), 2019: member of the Scientific Commitee,
  • 6th Balkan Symposium of Archaeometry, Narodni muzej Slovenije / National Museum of Slovenia, 25–28 September 2019,
  • Rimska vojska v Sloveniji / Roman army in Slovenia, Narodni muzej Slovenije / National Museum of Slovenia, 17–18 November 2011,
  • Naravoslovne raziskave premične arheološke dediščine v Sloveniji 1998–2008 / Natural science studies of the movable archaeological heritage in Slovenia 1998–2008, Narodni muzej Slovenije / National Museum of Slovenia, 17–18 February 2009.


Recent publications

  • ISTENIČ, J., RAGOLIČ, A., Roman Military Decoration torques: literary, epigraphic representational and archaeological evidence / Rimsko vojaško odlikovanje tortorques: literarni, epigrafski in arheološki viri ter upodobitve. (Catalogi et monographiae, 46). Ljubljana: National museum of Slovenia, 2023. Contents / For purchase write to blagajna@nms.si
                 BRECCIA, G. W., Arheološki vesnik 74, 2023, 667-668. PDF
                 ANTOLIN ABAD, A., Zephyrus XCII, 2023, 205-207. PDF
  • LAHARNAR, B., J. ISTENIČ, Ulaka site complex. Late Republican and Augustan Roman military earthworks and small finds. In: VAN ENCKEVORT H., M. DRIESSEN, E. GRAAFSTAL, T. HAZENBERG, T. IVLEVA, C. VAN DRIEL-MURRAY (eds.), Strategy and Structures along the Roman Frontier (LIMES XXV volume 2). Proceedings of the 25th International Congress of Roman Frontier Studies 2, Sidestone Press, 2024, 175-184. PDF
  • ISTENIČ, J., Grad near Reka, Gradišče in Cerkno, and Vrh Gradu near Pečine: pre-Roman places of worship?. In: HORVAT, J., F. BERNARDINI, M. BELAK (ur.), The Roman conquest beyond Aquileia: (II−I centuries BC), Opera Instituti Archaeologici Sloveniae, 45, 2023, 111-125. PDF
  • ISTENIČ, J., Roman military routes of the 1st century BC in the South-Eastern Alps. In: B. Hebert (ed.), Conference »Late Republican and Early Augustian influences on the fringes of the Eastern Alps – architecture and military« in Magdalensberg (Carinthia), June 10 th, 2022, Wien, 2023, d8-d10. PDF
  • ISTENIČ, J., Archaeology. In: T. Lazar, J. Kotar, G. Oitzl (eds.). National museum of Slovenia: 200 years. Ljubljana: Narodni muzej Slovenije, 2021, 339-364. PDF

Select bibliography


  • ISTENIČ, J., Roman Military Equipment from the River Ljubljanica: Typology, Chronology and Technology / Rimska vojaška oprema iz reke Ljubljanice: arheološke in naravoslovne raziskave (Katalogi in monografije, 43). Ljubljana: Narodni muzej Slovenije, 2019. PDF; To purchase the book write to blagajna@nms.si
    • Eckhard Deschler-Erb 2022, Germania Bd. 99 2021 (2022). PDF
    • Giuliana Galli 2021, Archaeologia Maritima Mediterranea 17, 2020. PDF
    • Martin Wieland 2020, Der Limes 14/2, 38. PDF
    • Martin Luik 2020, Bonner Jahrbücher, Band 220, 496-498. PDF
  • ISTENIČ, J., Roman stories from the crossroads. Ljubljana: Narodni muzej Slovenije, 2015. PDF
  • ISTENIČ, J., (et al.), Steps into the past. Treasures from the archaeological collections of the National Museum of Slovenia. Ljubljana: Narodni muzej Slovenije, 2006. To purchase the book write to blagajna@nms.si
  • ISTENIČ, J., Poetovio, the western cemeteries II. Grave-groups in the Landesmuseum Joanneum, Graz. Catalogue (Katalogi in monografije, 33). Ljubljana: Narodni muzej Slovenije, 2000. PDF; To purchase the book write to blagajna@nms.si
  • ISTENIČ, J., Poetovio, the western cemeteries I. Grave-groups in the Landesmuseum Joanneum, Graz (Katalogi in monografije, 32). Ljubljana: Narodni muzej Slovenije, 1999. PDF; To purchase the book write to blagajna@nms.si
  • ISTENIČ, J., ŠMIT, Ž., Non-ferrous metals in Roman (Late Republican and Early Imperial) military equipment from the River Ljubljanica, central Slovenia. In: B. Török, A. Giumlia-Mair (ed.). Proceedings of the 5th International Conference "Archaeometallurgy in Europe" : 19-21 June 2019, Miskolc, Hungary, 2021, 329-354 (Monographies Instrumentum, 73). PDF
  • ŽERJAL, T., HORVAT, J., ISTENIČ, J., Pottery and other productions in the eastern hinterland of Caput Adriae. In: D. Rigato, M. Mongardi, M. Vitelli Casella (eds.). Produzioni artigianali in area adriatica: manufatti, ateliers e attori (III sec. a.C.-V sec. d.C.), Atti della tavola rotonda di Bologna, 23-25 maggio 2019, 2021, 94-109 (Adriatlas 4).
2016 - 2020
  • ISTENIČ, J., Roman weapons in watery contexts. In: E. Deschler-Erb (ed.), Waffen im rituellen Kontext, Akten der 20. internationalen Konferenz für Römische Militärausrüstung, Köln, 11.-15. Juni 2019 / Weapons in ritual context, Proceedings of the 20th Roman Military Equipment Conference, Cologne, 11th-15th June 2019 (Journal of Roman military equipment studies 21), 2020, 31–41. PDF
  • ISTENIČ, J., Caligati in the eastern hinterland of Aquileia up to the Early Augustan period. In: H. Dolenz , K. Strobel (ed.). Chronologie und vergleichende Chronologien zum Ausgang der Römischen Republik und zur Frühen Kaiserzeit, Tagungsband des internationalen Kolloquiums anlässlich 70 Jahre Archäologische Ausgrabungen auf dem Magdalensberg, zugleich Festgabe für Eleni Schindler Kaudela, Klagenfurt am Wörthersee: Landesmuseum für Kärnten, 2019, 271-295 (Kärntner Museumsschriften 87). PDF
  • ISTENIČ, J., Šmit, Ž., Research using the methods of proton-induced X-ray emission (PIXE) and proton-induced gamma emission (PIGE) / Raziskave z metodama protonsko vzbujene rentgenske spektromentrije (PIXE) in protonsko vzbujenih žarkov gama (PIGE). In:  ISTENIČ, J., Roman Military Equipment from the River Ljubljanica: Typology, Chronology and Technology / Rimska vojaška oprema iz reke Ljubljanice: arheološke in naravoslovne raziskave (Katalogi in monografije, 43). Ljubljana: Narodni muzej Slovenije, 2019, 144–189. PDF
  • TURK, P., LAHARNAR, B., ISTENIČ, J., PAVLOVIČ, D., Začetki metalurgije / Beginnings of metallurgy. In: J. Kotar, T. Lazar, P. Fajfar (ed.), Ko zapoje kovina. Tisočletja metalurgije na Slovenskem / The song of metal. Millennia of metallurgy in Slovenia, Ljubljana: Narodni muzej Slovenije, 2019, 24-55. To purchase the book write to blagajna@nms.si
  • ISTENIČ, J., JANEŽIČ, M., LAZAR, E., ŠMIT, Ž., Roman cavalry equipment and other militaria from the 2010 and 2011 excavations at Ptuj (Slovenia). In: J.C.N. Coulston (ed.), Cavalry in the Roman world, Proceedings of the Nineteenth International Roman Military Equipment Conference held in St Andrews, Scotland, 6th-11th June 2016 (Journal of Roman military equipment studies 19), 2018, 163-177. PDF
  • ISTENIČ, J., Roman bronze helmets from the Republican period and the Early Principate in Slovenia / Rimske bronaste čelade republikanske dobe in zgodnjega principata v Sloveniji. Arheološki vestnik 69, 2018, 277–344. PDF
  • ISTENIČ, J., Non-ferrous metals on late Republican and early Principate Roman military metalwork found in the River Ljubljanica (Slovenia). Journal of Roman military equipment studies 17, 2016, 279–285. PDF
2011 - 2015
  • ISTENIČ, J. (with a contribution by Andrej Šemrov: the coin catalogue), Mali Njivč nad Novaki / Mali Njivč above Novaki. In: Istenič, J., Laharnar, B., Horvat, J. (ur.). Evidence of the Roman army in Slovenia / Sledovi rimske vojske na Slovenskem (Katalogi in monografije, 41). Ljubljana: Narodni muzej Slovenije, 2015, 365-384. PDF
  • ISTENIČ, J. (with a contribution by Alenka Miškec: the coin catalogue), Traces of Octavian's military activities at Gradišče in Cerkno and Vrh gradu near Pečine / Sledovi Oktavijanovega vojaškega delovanja na Gradišču v Cerknem in Vrh gradu pri Pečinah. In: Istenič, J., Laharnar, B., Horvat, J. (eds.). Evidence of the Roman army in Slovenia / Sledovi rimske vojske na Slovenskem (Katalogi in monografije, 41). Ljubljana: Narodni muzej Slovenije, 2015, 43–73. PDF; To purchase the book write to blagajna@nms.si
  • ISTENIČ, J. (with a contribution by Andrej Šemrov: the coin catalogue), Mali Njivč above Novaki / Mali Njivč nad Novaki. In: Istenič, J., Laharnar, B., Horvat, J. (eds.). Evidence of the Roman army in Slovenia / Sledovi rimske vojske na Slovenskem (Katalogi in monografije, 41). Ljubljana: Narodni muzej Slovenije, 2015, 365–384. PDF; To purchase the book write to blagajna@nms.si
  • ISTENIČ, J., Ž. ŠMIT, Celts and Romans: a contribution to research into cultural interactions. In: Pernicka, E., Schwab R. (eds.). Under the volcano. Proceedings of the International Symposium on the Metallurgy of the European Iron Age (SMEIA) held in Mannheim, Germany, 20–22 April 2010, Forschungen zur Archäometrie und Altertumswissenschaft Band 5, Rahden/Westfalen 2014, 205–220. PDF
  • ISTENIČ, J., Column grave monument from Emona. Arheološki vestnik 64, 2013, 149–175. PDF
  • ISTENIČ, J., Early roman graves with weapons in Slovenia: an overview. In: Sanader, M. (ed.). Rimska vojna oprema u pogrebnom kontekstu: radovi XVII. ROMEC-a / Weapons and military equipment in a funerary context: proceedings of the XVIIth Roman Military Equipment Conference / Militaria als Grabbeilage: Akten der 17. Roman Military Equipment Conference (Dissertationes et monographie 7), Zagreb 2013, 23–35. PDF
  • ŠMIT, Ž., TARTARI, F., STAMATI, F., VEVECKA-PRIFTA, A., ISTENIČ, J., Analysis of Roman glass from Albania by PIXE/PIGE method. Nucl. instrum. methods phys. res., B Beam interact. mater. atoms [print ed.], vol. 296, no. 1, 2013, 7–13. PDF
  • ISTENIČ, J., Daggers of the Dangstetten type, Arheološki vestnik 63, 2012, 159–178. PDF
  • ŠMIT, Ž., KNIFIC, T., JEZERŠEK, D., ISTENIČ, J., Analysis of early medieval glass beads – glass in the transition period. Nucl. instrum. methods phys. res., B Beam interact. mater. atoms [print ed.], vol. 278,  no. 1, 2012, str. 8–14. PDF
  • ISTENIČ, J., Celtic or Roman? Late La Tène-Style Scabbards with Copper-Alloy or Silver Openwork Plates. In: VAGALINSKI, L. F., N. SHARANKOV (ur.), Limes XXII: proceedings of the 22nd International Congress of Roman Frontier Studies, Ruse, Bulgaria, September 2012. Sofia: National Archaeological Institute with Museum, 2015. Str. 755-762. PDF
  • ISTENIČ, J., ŠMIT, Ž., A raw glass chunk from the vicinity of Nauportus (Vrhnika). In: LAZAR, I., Županek, B. (eds.). Emona: med Akvilejo in Panonijo / Emona: between Aquileia and Pannonia, Annales Mediterranei, Koper, 2012, 301–309. PDF
  • ISTENIČ, J., KOSEC, L., PEROVŠEK, S., GOSAR, M., in NAGODE, A.: Research on a laddered chape from a Late La Tene scabbard with an openwork fitment from the River Ljubljanica. Arheološki vestnik 62, 2011, 317–337. PDF
  • ISTENIČ, J., Meč iz Ljubljanice – izziv in povod za raziskovanje, Delo, Priloga Znanost, 27. 11. 2011. JPG
2006 - 2010
  • ISTENIČ, J., Late La Tene scabbards with non-ferrous openwork plates, Arheološki vestnik 61, 2010, 121–164. PDF
  • ISTENIČ, J., An early Roman dagger from the vicinity of Štanjel. In: Tiefengraber, G., Kavur, B. and A. Gaspari (eds.), Keltske študije II. Papers in honour of Mitja Guštin, (Protohistoire Européenne, 11). Montagnac 2009, 331–342. PDF
  • ISTENIČ, J., ŠMIT, Ž., JEZERŠEK, D., in KNIFIC, T., Pixe-PIGE analysis of Carolingian glass from Slovenia. Nucl. instrum. methods phys. res., B Beam interact. mater. atoms [print ed.], 267/1, 2009, 121–124. Article online
  • ISTENIČ, J., The early Roman military route along the river Ljubljanica (Slovenia). In: Morillo, Á., Hanel, N., Martín, E. (eds.), Limes XX. Estudios sobre la frontiera romana / Roman frontier studies, (Anejos de Gladius, 13). Madrid, Merida 2009, 855–865. PDF
  • ISTENIČ, J., Roman military equipment and the beginnings of the Roman use of brass in Europe. In: Busch, A. W. (ed.). Waffen in Aktion. Akten der 16. Internationalen Roman Military Equipment Conference (ROMEC), Xanten, 13.–16. Juni 2007, (Xantener Berichte 16). Mainz am Rhein 2009, 237–242. PDF
  • ISTENIČ, J., The Ljubljanica – a Roman trade and transport route. In: Turk, P., Istenič, J., Knific, T. in Nabergoj T. (eds.), The Ljubljanica – A River and its Past. Ljubljana 2009, 79–85. PDF
  • ISTENIČ, J., The Ljubljanica and the Roman army. In: Turk, P., Istenič, J., Knific, T. in Nabergoj, T. (eds.), The Ljubljanica – A River and its Past. Ljubljana 2009, 86–91. PDF
  • ISTENIČ, J.,  Roman period. In: Turk, P., Istenič, J., Knific, T. and T. Nabergoj (eds.), The Ljubljanica – A River and its Past. Ljubljana 2009, 265–317. PDF
  • ISTENIČ, J., (& Ž. Šmit), The beginning of the use of brass in Europe with particular reference to the southeastern Alpine region. In: La Niece, S., Hook, D. R. and P. T. Craddock (eds.). Metals and mines. Studies in archaeometallurgy. London: Archetype: British Museum, 2007, 140–147. PDF
2000 - 2005
  • ISTENIČ, J., Evidence for a very late Republican siege at Grad near Reka in Western Slovenia. In: Cencic, J. (ed.), Archäologie der Schlachtfelder – Militaria aus Zerstörungshorizonten. Akten der 14. Internationalen Roman Military Equipment Conference (ROMEC), Wien, 27.–31. August 2003 (Carnuntum Jahrbuch, 2005). Wien 2005, 77–87. PDF
  • ISTENIČ, J., Brooches of the Alesia group in Slovenia. Arheološki vestnik 56, 2005, 187–212. Article online
  • ŠMIT, Ž. J. ISTENIČ, V. GERDUN, Z. MILIĆ, A. MLADENOVIČ, Archaeometric analysis of Alesia group brooches from sites in Slovenia. Arheološki vestnik 56, 2005, 213-233. Article online
  • ISTENIČ, J., M. TOMANIČ JEVREMOV, Poetovian wasters from Spodnja Hajdina near Ptuj. Arheološki vestnik 55, 2004, 313-341. Article online
  • ISTENIČ, J., (& Daszkiewicz, M. and G. Schneider), Local production of pottery and clay lamps at Emona (Italia, regio X). Rei Cretariae Rom. Fautorum acta 38, 2003, 83–91. PDF
  • ISTENIČ, J., Augustan sword-scabbards with net-like fitments. Arheološki vestnik 54, 2003, 271-279. PDF
  • ISTENIČ, J., The Early Roman »Hoard of Vrhnika«: A Collection of Finds from the River Ljubljanica. Arheološki vestnik 54, 2003, 281–298. PDF
  • ISTENIČ, J., A uniface medallion with a portrait of Augustus from the River Ljubljanica (Slovenia). Germania 81, 2003, 263–276. PDF
  • ISTENIČ, J., The western cemetery of Poetovio: burial evidence and cultural identity. Histria antiqua 8, 2002, 165–173. PDF
  • ISTENIČ, J., Bronze statuette of Apollo from the River Ljubljanica. In: Giumlia-Mair, A. (ed.). I bronzi antichi, produzione e tecnologia. Atti del XV Congresso Internazionale sui Bronzi Antichi, Grado-Aquileia, 22–26 maggio 2001 (Monographies Instrumentum, 21). Montagnac 2002, 450–455.
  • ISTENIČ, J., PLESNIČAR-GEC, L., A pottery kiln at Emona. Rei Cretariae Romanae Fautorum acta  37, 2001, 141–146.
  • ISTENIČ, J., An early mould-blown pyxis from Poetovio (Slovenia). Instrumentum : bulletin du Groupe de travail européen sur l'artisanat et les productions manufacturées dans l'Antiquité. juin 2001, 13, 23–24.
  • ISTENIČ, J., A 3rd century face-mask from Slovenia. Instrumentum : bulletin du Groupe de travail européen sur l'artisanat et les productions manufacturées dans l'Antiquité 13, juin 2001, 27–28. PDF
  • ISTENIČ, J., Roman late-republican gladius from the River Ljubljanica (Slovenia). Arheološki vestnik 51, 2000, 171–182. PDF
  • ISTENIČ, J., (& G. Schneider), Aegean cooking ware in the Eastern Adriatic. Rei Cretariae Rom. Fautorum acta 36, 2000, 341–348. PDF
  • ŠMIT, Ž., BUDNAR, M., PELICON, ., ZORKO, B., KNIFIC, T., ISTENIČ, J., TRAMPUŽ OREL, N., DEMORTIER, G. Analyses of gold artifacts from Slovenia : presented at 14th International Conference on Ion Beam Analysis/6th European Conference on Accelerators in Applied Research and Technology, Dresden, Germany 26-30 July 1999. Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section B, Beam interactions with materials and atoms. [Print ed.] 161-163, 2000, 753–757. 
1985 - 1995
  • ISTENIČ, J. 1995a, An Economic View of the Pottery from the Western Cemetery of Poetovio (Ptuj, Slovenia). - In: Provinzialrömische Forschungen. Festschrift für Günter Ulbert, 349-360, Espelkamp.
  • ISTENIČ, J. 1995b, Glazed pottery from the western cemetery of Poetovio. - Alba regia 25 = Acta Rei. Cret. Rom. Faut. 34, 23-26; Acta Rei. Cret. Rom. Faut. 35, 245-248.
  • EICHNER, H., ISTENIČ, J., LOVENJAK, M., Ein römerzeitliches Keramikgefäss aus Ptuj (Pettau, Poetovio) in Slowenien mit Inschrift in unbekanntem Alphabet und epichorischer (vermutlich keltischer) Sprache. Arheološki vestnik 45, 1994, 131–142. PDF
  • ISTENIČ, J., The "Emona" glass beakers. Arheološki vestnik 45, 1994, 95–98. PDF
  • ISTENIČ, J., Oljenke z zahodnega grobišča Petovione, v: Ptujski arheološki zbornik: ob 100-letnici muzeja in Muzejskega društva, 1993, 311-330.
  • ISTENIČ, J., Kuhinjsko posuđe egejskih tipova na nalazištu Rodik - nekropola Pod Jezerom, v: Diadora 10, 1988 99-110.
  • ISTENIČ, J., Rodik - grobišče Pod Jezerom. Arheološki vestnik 38, 1987, 69–136. PDF
  • ISTENIČ, J., Zapisi v venetski pisavi na Koroškem in v Sloveniji. Zgodovinski časopis 39/4, 1985, 313–334. PDF

Full bibliography

  • A full bibliography is available via the COBISS portal.
Updated on 3rd November 2023.