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Objects and prestige: taste, status, and power (Researches of the material culture in Slovenia)

Funding: Slovenian Research And Innovation Agency (ARIS)
Duration: 01. 01. 2024 - 31. 12. 2029
Acronim: Research programme P6-0282
Department/Program: Research Programmes
The primary goal of the research programme is the in-depth study of objects of movable cultural heritage as exceptionally multi-faceted information carriers and primary sources no less relevant to historiographical research than written sources.

Paths and pathways to Iron Age Europe

Funding: The project is co-funded by the Slovenian Research and Innovation Agency. Start of (co)financing: 1. 1. 2024
Duration: 01. 01. 2024 - 31. 12. 2025
Acronim: PROTEUS
Department/Program: Research Projects, Archaelogical Department

Tracing the conquerors

Funding: The project is funded by the Slovenian Research and Innovation Agency. Start of financing: 1.10.2021.
Duration: 01. 10. 2021 - 30. 09. 2024
Acronim: J6-3125
Department/Program: Research Projects, Archaelogical Department
The main objective of the project is to improve the knowledge of the structure and functioning of the Roman state in the period of integration of the Karst and Notranjska regions (2nd - 1st centuries BC - Augustan period) and to try to understand the reaction of the indigenous peoples to the incoming conquerors.

Virtual archaeological landscapes of the Danube region (Danube's Archaeological eLandscapes)

Program: Interreg V-B Danube Transnational Programme 2014–2020, http://www.interreg-danube.eu/
Total eligible budget: 2.517.612,44 EUR
Funding: ERDF Co-financing: 2.118.635,56 EUR; IPAI Co-financing: 21.335,00 EUR; Own funds: 377.641,88 EUR
Duration: 01. 07. 2020 - 31. 12. 2022
Department/Program: Archaelogical Department

Impacts of PM Pollution on Cultural Heritage

Funding: Basic research project is (co)funded by the Slovenian Research Agency (ARRS) with 2469 annual hours (class C) for a period of 3 years (170 annual hours allocated to NMS). The start of funding is 01. 07. 2019
Duration: 01. 07. 2019 - 30. 06. 2022
Acronim: J1-1707
Project partners: National Institute of Chemistry (leading partner)
Department/Program: Department of Conservation and Restoration
The goals of this project are to recognize the damaging potential of the organic fraction of atmospheric aerosols, to understand the modes of action with which PM damages material surfaces, in order to assess the risk and recognize necessary actions for better protection of cultural heritage in Slovenia, and worldwide.

Creative entrepreneurship in ceramic regions – developing, educating, encouraging (CerDee)

Program: INTERREG V-B Central Europe 2014–2020
Total eligible budget: 2.228.493,16 EUR
Funding: NMS: 205.722,75 EUR – 85% ERDF funds = 174.864,33 EUR + 15 % NMS funds = 30.858,42 EUR
Duration: 01. 05. 2019 - 30. 04. 2022
Department/Program: General

Active & intelligent PAckaging materials and display cases as a tool for preventive conservation of Cultural Heritage (APACHE)

Total eligible budget: 6.837.732,75 EUR
Funding: EU Horizon 2020, topic NMBP-33-2018 | Innovative and affordable solutions for the preventive conservation of cultural heritage (Innovative Action)
Duration: 01. 01. 2019 - 30. 06. 2022
Project partners: Consortium of 26 institutions from 12 countries, coordinator University of Florence, CSGI – Research Center for Colloid and Surface Science
Department/Program: Department of Conservation and Restoration
The project aims to investigate preventative conservation of museum collections, focusing on smart materials for the transportation and storage of objects that include sensors and/or absorption agents that regulate the microclimate around the object. In addition to the development of transport and storage materials, the project will include the development of so-called smart display cases.