Kaija Steiner Kiljunen
O konservaciji in konservatorskih ateljejih v Helsinkih na Finskem
Matija Žargi
Ob razstavi Zbirka orožja na ptujskem gradu
Mojca Vomer Gojkovič, Nataša Kolar
Mednarodni znanstveni sestanek Ptuj v Rimskem cesarstvu, mitraizem in njegova doba
Verena Vidrih Perko, Matej Župančič
Muzejski večeri Slovenskega arheološkega društva
Verena Štekar Vidic
Akademie Friesach
Marija Pečan
KAM (knjižnice, arhivi, muzeji)
Peter Kos
Narodni muzej Slovenije – poročilo o delu v letu 1999
Aleksander Bassin
Božena Plevnik
Andreja Brancelj Bednaršek
V spomin profesorju Jožetu Dularju
Phil Mason
Archaeological Approaches to the Study of Medieval Pottery
Darja Mihelič
Word vs. Object
Mateja Kos
Art Historical Research on Medieval Ceramics
Ivica Križ
Etnological Research on Pottery in Slovenia
Jana Šubic Prislan
The Conservation of Ceramics
Nataša Polajnar Frelih
A little wooden polychromatic Altar and the high Altar in the Franciscan Church in Ljubljana
Darja Koter
The Heritage of Musical Instruments in the Maribor Regional Museum
Boris Brovinsky
The Tomos Collection in the Technical Museum of Slovenia
Martina Orehovec
The Eloquence of Immortalised Images. The Tomos Photo Archive
Polona Selinšek
The new Installation of the Collection of Arms in the Romanesque Great Hall of Ptuj Castle
Irena Marušič
The Department of Agricultural Machinery