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Argo 61/1, 2018

Cena: 8.50 €
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Argo 61/1, 2018

2018, 21 x 29 cm, 126 str., mehka vezava, ISSN 0570-8869



Dušanu Nelcu v slovo


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Staroegipčanski amuleti boga Besa v Slovenskih javnih zbirkah
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Trends in children’s museums around the world. Report from the Hands on! conference

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Muzejsko doživetje: pred obiskom muzeja, med njim in po njem. Zakaj ljudje prihajajo v muzeje, kaj tam počnejo in kaj odnesejo s seboj?
The museum experience: before, during and after visiting a museum. Why do people visit museums, what do they do there, and what do they take away from the visit?

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Trije knjižni zakladi iz knjižnice dr. Ivana Tavčarja z Visokega v Loškem muzeju Škofja Loka
Three book treasures from the Library of Dr. Ivan Tavčar of Visoko at the Loka Museum in Škofja Loka

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Alenka Miškec
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Darko Knez
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Between modesty and cosmopolitanism. The exhibition and symposium commemorating the 10th anniversary of the death of Dr. Janez Drnovšek

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White, blue and red. On the symbols, installation, and design of the panels in the exhibition Dr. Janez Drnovšek

Vita Zalar
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On the (non)sense of the dichotomy between the natural sciences and humanities. Review of the exhibition The Past under the Microscope: Scientific Analyses in Museums

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The International Ceramics Triennial UNICUM and contemporary art ceramics

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