Darko Knez
Med preprostostjo in svetovljanstvom. Razstava in simpozij ob 10.
obletnici smrti dr. Janeza Drnovška
Between modesty and cosmopolitanism. The exhibition and symposium
commemorating the 10th anniversary of the death of Dr. Janez
Miran Pflaum
Bela, modra in rdeča. O simboliki, postavitvi in oblikovanju panojev na
razstavi Dr. Janez Drnovšek
White, blue and red. On the symbols, installation, and design of the
panels in the exhibition Dr. Janez
Vita Zalar
O nesmiselnosti dihotomije naravoslovje : humanistika. Recenzija
razstave Preteklost pod mikroskopom.
Naravoslovne raziskave v muzeju
On the (non)sense of the dichotomy between the natural sciences and
humanities. Review of the exhibition The
Past under the Microscope: Scientific Analyses in Museums
Simona Žvanut
Mednarodni trienale keramike
UNICUM in sodobna umetniška keramika
The International Ceramics
Triennial UNICUM and contemporary art ceramics
Vesna Kamin Kajfež
Umetnost na 2000 metrih. Messnerjev gorski muzej na Kronplatzu
Art at 2000 m a.s.l.: Messner’s Mountain Museum in Kronplatz
Vesna Kamin Kajfež
V morju intimnosti. Podvodna
arheologija razkriva zgodbe Jadrana
In a sea of intimacy. Underwater
archaeology reveals stories of the Adriatic Sea
Marjetka Balkovec Debevec, Miha Mlinar
Valvasorjeva odličja za leto 2017
Valvasor Awards for 2017
Tamara Trček Pečak
Podelitve nagrade in priznanj Mirka Šubica za leto 2017
The presentation of the Mirko Šubic Awards and Commendations for 2017