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Argo 64/1, 2021

Cena: 8.50 €
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Argo 64/1, 2021

2021, 21 x 29 cm, mehka vezava, 121 str., ISSN 0570-8869



Peter Turk
Karel Dežman, muzealec in znanstvenik
Karel Dežman, Museum professional and scholar

Matija Križnar
Fran Dobovšek, muzejski naravoslovec, preparator in fotograf
Fran Dobovšek, Museum naturalist, taxidermist and photographer

Jože Podpečnik
Dr. Josip Mal, ravnatelj Narodnega muzeja v letih 1924–1945
Dr Josip Mal, director of the National Museum from 1924 to 1945

Bernarda Županek
Prof. dr. Jože Kastelic, direktor Narodnega muzeja 1945–1968
Prof. Dr Jože Kastelic, director of the National Museum from 1945 to 1968

Janja Železnikar
Akademik Stane Gabrovec, filolog iz ljubezni, arheolog po duši, muzealec s srcem in profesor s karizmo
Stane Gabrovec, academician, philologist and archaeologist: a passionate museum professional and a charismatic educator

Mateja Kos
Hanka Štular, vodja Kulturnozgodovinskega oddelka 1965–1985
Hanka Štular, head of the Cultural-Historical Department from 1965 to 1985

Nataša Nemeček
Inž. Nada Sedlar (1918–2006), pionirka na področju konserviranja-restavriranja muzejskega gradiva (1958–1982)
Engineer Nada Sedlar (1918–2006), pioneer in the conservation and restoration of museum objects

Anja Dular
Prof. dr. Branko Reisp (1928–2009), vodja knjižnice Narodnega muzeja Slovenije: 1964–1994
Prof. Dr Branko Reisp (1928–2009), head of the library of the National Museum of Slovenia from 1964 to 1994

Peter Kos
Dr. Peter Petru, ravnatelj Narodnega muzeja v Ljubljani med letoma 1970 in 1983
Dr Peter Petru, director of the National Museum from 1970 to 1983

Darko Knez
Dr. Boris M. Gombač, ravnatelj Narodnega muzeja v Ljubljani med letoma 1984 in 1994
Dr Boris M. Gombač, director of the National Museum from 1984 to 1994

Alenka Miškec
Prof. dr. Peter Kos, mednarodno uveljavljen strokovnjak in direktor Narodnega muzeja Slovenije
Prof. Dr Peter Kos, internationally renowned expert and director of the National Museum of Slovenia

Mateja Kos, Urša Pajk
Mag. Barbara Ravnik, direktorica Narodnega muzeja Slovenije v času 2010–2020
Barbara Ravnik, M.A., director of the National Museum of Slovenia from 2010 to 2020


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