Viri. Gradivo za materialno kulturo Slovencev 16
Armour from the National museum of Slovenia.
Head and body defences from the high Middle Ages to the Early Modern Period
Avtor: Tomaž Lazar
2022, 25 x 31 cm, trda vezava, 391 strani, ISBN 978-961-6981-64-4
Jezik: angleški
I. The arms and armour collection in the National Museum of Slovenia
II. Life at the restless crossroads: The Slovenian territory during the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Period
Age of chivalry
Rise of the Counts of Celje
Time of trial
III. Armour in the Slovenian lands during the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Period
Written sources
Artwork depictions
IV. Principles of armour construction
Practical challenges and physiological limitations of the human body
V. Shields
VI. Textile and leather armour
Leather armour
Textile armour
Technology of manufacture and practical performance
VII. Beginnings of metal armour
Scale armour
Lamellar armour
Early plate armour
VIII. Mail armour
Technology of manufacture
Mail-making techniques
Manufacturing process
IX. Plate armour
Coat-of-plates and brigandine
Armour of the transitional period
Homogeneous plate armour of the 15th century
Development of the plate harness during the 16th century
Final era of plate armour
Technology of manufacture
Armour-making centres and craftsmanship tradition
Plate armour versus firearms
X. Catalogue
XI. Scientific analyses
Alan Williams, Edwin Wood: Metallographic analyses of selected armour from the
National Museum of Slovenia
Jakob Kraner, Peter Fajfar, Borut Zorc, Matjaž Knap: Arcaeometallurgical
investigations of Maximilian armour N 35361
Peter Fajfar, Marijan Nečemer, Borut Žužek: Archaeometallurgical investigations of
etched armour N 17776
Jakob Kraner, Tomaž Lazar: Plate armour construction: investigative comparison
of torso defences
XII. Bibliography